Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good Luck for Ancient History!!!!

I won't see you after the exam. I have to take the Year 10 History Debating Team to Caringbah High.

But I will see you before you go in at 9.25!


  1. Sirrrr, do you think they'll ask us a 15mark question about Hatshepsut's obelisks??? I don't think there's enough information to write about D=

  2. I think that you are right Amy! lol Her buildings, her building programme, Deir el Bhari... YES..... obelisks on their own... NO!

    I wish we had more time to study this. Poo.
    But yay at least you'll be there before we go in. I'm really dreading this D: (and I'm not even kidding)
    Oh well, gonna try my best. I'm more freaked out for Greece. I hope it's nothing on colonisation or foreign policy

  4. Soph!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so not true!!!! I hope you get what you want, but I am sure that if colonisation or foreign policy came up that you would still kill it.

    You will do VERY well or you will do SUPER well Soph!!! I did ok and your heaps smarter than me!!!! lol

    Just make you get a good nights sleep and are ready to shine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. SIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I've been super tired the last week, I'm worried I'll fall asleep or something. LOL. I slept at like 10 last night - that is VERY weird D: Thanks Sir. And I really doubt that I'm smarter than you. HAHAHAHHA I wish. But yes, I'll try. I really should get off and stop procrastinating. But yes, I hope so. :D
    Thanks for the encouragement. BAHAHAHA. And after this, HEX. Be warned, I am going to bombard you with questions and practise essays. Muahahahaa. Okay. Really getting off now :D

  6. I'm 100% sure you'll be okay, Sophia. Mr. S is right, you're incredibly bright and you've put in the effort so you'll definitely do well. :)

    As for me...mature entry! :D

  7. You break me up Jess!!! lol lol

    But.... some of the best students I have ever had at Uni have been mature entry Jess!

    There is nothing wrong with mature entry! But... I think you will make it into something good this time. lol

    And yes you are "both" brighter than me!

  8. LOL yeah ... I don't understand what mature entry is. Hahahaha.

    And yeh but you know that feeling you get when you've been doing well and then you know that you've gotta screw up sometime? Yeah I'm scared this is my downfall D:

    And Sir, my email isn't working so I don't know if you've answered my King question D:

    And thanks Jess :) But yeh mmmm

  9. Lol, sir, don't turn this into a flattery contest! Bright and passionate teachers like yourself help make bright students like Sophia!!

    I'm actually seriously considering mature entry (going to uni when you're 21, Sophia) because I don't think I'm capable of sustaining any kind of long-term study right now, but I'll still do the best that I can in my exams and see how it all turns out. ^_^

  10. OHHH THAT MAKES SENSE JESS! Mature entry when you're mature ... ha ha I told you I ain't all there. But it's true Jess, you've got to be one of the most naturally smart people I've ever met. Scout's honour.

    And yes that is true! You are VERY bright and passionate, Sir. That is probably the reason why I've enjoyed history and history classes so much and why I strive to do well. Don't wanna disappoint the happy chappy :P

  11. This is what I wrote on the email Soph!

    Let it go ...... let it go!!! lol

    Dual kingship:

    1. Agiads & Europontids - kept both ruling families happy.
    2. They spent a lot of time at war - one could go & one could stay.
    3. One could act as a check to the others power, so you couldn't be a crazy king because there was always an alternative.

    Don't give up on the PDHPE - if it was tough for you it was tough for the rest of the state. You wouldn't be the first person to cry over getting 80% and then found out the rest of the state got 60%!!!! ............. Then it is scaled!! lol You'll be right Soph!

    I want you to get a great mark Soph only because I would love others to see just how clever you are! You could not ever disappoint me Soph. The only way you could do that is by not trying and I just know that isn't something that you would EVER do. Whatever you get I will be proud of you... your a wonderful person and HSC numbers will never ever be able to capture that!

  12. That made me tear sir D:

    Oh and thanks for the stuff on the kings! :D Yeah cos I was going through the 2/3 markers and the 5/6 markers with Teresa today and that came up and we were just like crap .... LOL.

    But yeah, oh well. I wouldn't be surprised though, PD is my worst subject so ehh ... LOL. Hopefully. I hope so.

    But thank you sir. POSITIVE MOTIVATION. That helped :)
