Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Apple Wars!!!

What can I say, I'm a simple man with a simple mind. All that geek stuff might be good for Jess & Gabby but I need something that looks pretty and even an idiot can use.

I love my ipad!!!! I just sit there looking at it for hours. And it will be even better when I can get near some wifi and start getting some cool apps!!! lol


  1. HEYYYYYYYYYY you can make a PC look pretty without selling out to capitalism sir.

  2. You cannot make a PC look pretty Gaby - that is just so NOT true!

    And if Karl Marx were around today he would def. be sitting in some coffee shop (but not Gloria Jeans or Starbucks) writing Das Kapital on his his little 'red' ipad!!!

    Karl would be mad at me??? No Karl would probably shoout me a beer and compare his ipad to mine, because he was never a slave to old technology!!! lol

  3. I bet Karl Marx would use Red Hat Linux on a custom-built tablet PC, coding his own hardware fixes! Rallying to spread the contemporary anti-capitalist message of Linux: Information should be free. He'd never feed the capitalist dogs! >D A modern day polymath would truly be terrifying to the IT industry. And besides, what kind of German/Jewish person would allow efficiency and elegance to be trampled beneath the foot of convenient mass-production?

    But I don't doubt the fact that he'd shout you a beer, sir. Hell, I'd shout you a beer whenever you liked if I were 18.

  4. And Apple borrowed the 'appstore' concept from Linux. Except Linux's repository provides more than just apps, and EVERYTHING is free!

    Epiphany: the Linux kernel is the communist manifesto of computer operating systems. It creates the foundations for beautiful and idealised computer systems which are inherently flawed due to the fact that. their users, 'people, are [lazy, greedy, pretentious] bastards' (thanks sir.) *mind blown*

  5. You win Jess... and Gaby! I am a disgrace to the Marxist cause!!! But... I'm not giving up my 'beautiful' ipad.

    So, come the revolution, you can put me up against the wall first. lol

  6. It's all up to personal preference! I'm not Stalin... >_>;; ipads sound hella fun and all of that, but they can't run my precious video games!! I admit, at the end of the day, it depends on the end-user's needs, and Apple's stuff suits most people's better than PC does nowadays. Just like how PC suits gamers, and large corporations prefer Linux.

    But you know, PC doesn't have to be ugly. e.g. Asus' Lamborghini-inspired VX6, or Alienware (prior to being bought out by Dell), or Razer's peripherals. Very geeky/macho, but definitely not ugly.

    Back to that idea of Apple becoming the preference of the majority: I sense a huge spike in malware targeting OS-X being circulated soon. Poor Apple is going to have to develop some super-antivirus before April Fools next year if they want to keep their customers happy. xD
